Daily Treasure
Daily Treasure is a 365 day devotional read and written by Sharon Betters and the occasional guest author. Every entry in this 365 devotional embraces the power of God’s Word to encourage, equip and energize the reader to walk by faith in the pathway God has marked out for them, no matter how difficult. Each devotional includes a treasure from God’s Word, life giving applications, guided prayers and a challenge to reflect God’s love in a way that helps turn hearts toward Jesus.
Daily Treasure
The Real Mary Introduction - Journey to Christmas - Week 7 Day 1
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior. For he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.
Luke 1:46a-48
Journey to Christmas with the Midwives of the Messiah
The Real Mary Introduction
By Sharon W. Betters
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior. For he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed.
Luke 1:46a-48
Dear Friends,
I am so eager to introduce you to Andrea Maher, author of Slammed, Overcoming Tragedy in the Wave of Grief. I met Andrea after interviewing her son, Matt Maher. As Matt shared his story of imprisonment after causing the death of a father because of driving under the influence, I asked about his parents. To my surprise, he said his mother quoted from my book Treasures in Darkness in her book Slammed. I immediately ordered and read her book and knew I had a new friend. Andrea’s transparency in opening up about her life, speaking freely of her precious son who died as a result of drug addiction and the imprisonment of her gifted and beautiful son, Matt, captured my heart. She graciously agreed to allow me to interview her for our Help & Hope audio library. You can hear our conversation Surviving a Tsunami of Grief on the MARKINC.org website.
Andrea encourages us to get inside the skin of Mary, the mother of Jesus. I’ve taught on Mary and written at length about her because the Lord used this special woman’s response to her own life to help me navigate the darkest days of my own journey. Yet, with all of that, Andrea’s devotional introduced me to insights about Mary I had not previously considered.
I know you are going to be blessed as I have been with Andrea’s writing.
Treasured by Him,
Listen to Andrea’s Story, “Surviving a Tsunami of Grief” at MARKINC.org. Surviving A Tsunami of Grief: A Conversation with Andrea Maher — MARKINC.org (https://markinc.org/help-and-hope/2018/4/19/breaking-free-from-the-tsunami-of-grief-a-conversation-with-andrea-maher)