Daily Treasure

A Stinging Realization - What She Said Part 2 - Week 1 Day 4


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Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:3, 9

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What She Said! Part 2

A Stinging Realization

By Holly Mackle, Guest Writer


Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:3, 9

A few years ago, a light bulb went on in my marriage. While on a weekend getaway with some couple friends, we were asked: “What have your biggest marital arguments been about?” As we answered, an embarrassing and unfortunate commonality surfaced: I was afraid. Conflict arose, it tapped into a personal fear over my safety or protection or comfort and it resulted in an argument. My husband was gracious and compassionate, but the light bulb went on for him, too. I was exposed, and a sin pattern drew its ugly, slithering, slimy path visibly through my history.

Think of a woman you know whom you would characterize as a woman of faith. What attributes does she possess that make you classify her that way? What does she do or not do when she is in a pressure situation? What does her walk with the Lord look like? Whatever you’re thinking of, I’m the opposite. I manipulate, plan or arrange my way into ensuring that my circumstances will most likely provide me with safety or comfort. I don’t want to be this way. I don’t want to rely on anyone or anything but the Lord for my provision and safekeeping. I want to trust the tiniest member of my family to God’s perfect and providential will. But when that tiny family member arrives, it’s often a whole new ball game, and mama bear can react a little more, let’s say, efficiently to a situation where she is fearful.

I urge you, and myself, to trust in the Lord. To walk in faith through his perfect plan for your (or my) life. To recognize the slimy paths of sin and to repent of them and be washed clean. May we both, today and every day after this, be a woman that another may characterize as a woman of faith. Especially if that woman looking on happens to be our own child.


  1. Name three attributes of the woman of faith that came to mind.
  2. When you are fearful, in what ways can you consider that it is the Lord who truly establishes your plans?

Lord, please guide me in faith today. Help me to see when I am grasping or clawing for control over my life. My life belongs to you alone. Help me to demonstrate my belief with both my heart and my actions.

Reprinted with permission: Engaging Motherhood, Heart Preparation for a Holy Calling Week 3, Control (CDM, 2016)


Holly Mackle is the curator of the mom humor collaboration Same Here, Sisterfriend, Mostly True Tales of Misadventures in Motherhood, and author of the family Advent devotional Little Hearts, Prepare Him Room. She is the wife of a handsome man, mama of two flower-sneaking bitties, and a fairly decent gardener and hopefully better humorist for joegardener.com. Holly is also the editor of Engaging Motherhood.

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