Daily Treasure

Moments Etched On My Heart New Mercies Every Morning! Without Exception! - What She Said - Part 13 - Week 1 Day 6


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Today’s Treasure

Because of the LORD’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

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Moments Etched On My Heart
New Mercies Every Morning! Without Exception!
Barbara L’Italien, Guest Writer
Today’s Treasure

Because of the LORD’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

This verse has more recently become a special promise from God that has been etched
on my heart. Back in the day when I would have a personal time to read God’s Word
and journal, I would sometimes chase words in a Bible verse through the dictionary to
get a deeper impression of what was being said. Here is an example using today’s Daily
Treasure verse:
● Because - by reason of, on account of
● Great - elaborate, ample, detailed
● Love - strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties
● Not - one of the most common words we use to indicate negation
● (Negation) - the contradiction or denial of something
● Consumed - to destroy or expend by use; use up. To eat or drink up; devour
● Compassion - means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is
defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another's
suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion is not the
same as empathy or altruism, though the concepts are related.
● Never - at no time
● Fail - to not succeed in what you are trying to achieve or are expected to do
● New - fresh, novel, and original. What is freshly made and unused, what has not
been known before, or what has not been experienced before
● Every - being each individual or part of a group without exception
● Morning – The first part of the day
● Faithfulness - Faithfulness comes from a place of trust and loyalty.
Now, when I read this verse, I see it this way:

On account of God’s elaborate, detailed love for me, and His personal ties with me, I
will not, I can not be destroyed or devoured by this pain I am feeling. He suffers with
me, He understands me, and He will at no time fail me. His mercies are fresh as if
never seen before, and without exception each morning, as my feet touch the ground
and I start my day. I know He is trustworthy and loyal and will be by my side, even
carry me if needed.
Some say God will not give you more than you can handle. I have also heard it said that
God doesn’t give us what we can handle; He helps us handle what we are given. I
believe the latter to be true.
Personal pain can seem debilitating. A sudden loss, a near-fatal car crash, a child
fighting for their life, months of waiting for what will be. But...
On account of God’s elaborate, detailed love for me, and His personal ties with me, I
will not, I can not be destroyed or devoured by this pain I am feeling. He suffers with
me, He understands me, and He will at no time fail me. His mercies are fresh as if
never seen before, and without exception each morning, as my feet touch the ground
and I start my day, I know He is trustworthy and loyal and will be by my side, even
carry me if needed. And tomorrow, if given to me, will be no different.
Lamentations 3:22-23 are verses I will always treasure as a “moment etched on my


Being committed to reading the Bible on a consistent, daily basis can be hard. I believe
journaling helps build consistency. The time reading God’s Word can become more
personal when we engage in a written conversation with God, writing our thoughts
down about what we are learning in a simple notebook. There are times I have read
the same few verses over and over because I knew there was more for me to learn from
those few verses. Do you spend time with God daily? Do you journal? What verses
have been special moments where God has etched a treasured gift from His Word on
your heart?

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